Days of Our Lives

The Days of Our Lives Abigail Theory That’s So Tragically Crazy, It Just Might Be True

And just like that, Days of Our Lives gave us the moment we’ve been waiting for for two years now! After Chad and Harris finally cornered Clyde (OK, Harris and Ava cornered him, then Chad wandered in on the action), the villain blurted out that Abigail wasn’t dead after all — she lived!

We didn’t get any details beyond that, and Chad, as of Thursday, isn’t sure he believes it. But it had the intended effect and, as he said when he handed Harris the gun, that’s the only reason he didn’t shoot Clyde dead!

And that’s got us — and some fans — suspicious. Because the show’s been teasing us with this possibility for so long, now that it’s finally here, we have to ask: Is this all just a lie? Clyde certainly isn’t trustworthy.

Days, Out in the Montana woods, Chad hands a gun over to Harris, while a handcuffed Clyde looks smugly on

As gymguy68 said over on the message boards, “I think Clyde was just trying to get Chad all worked up. Why would he go to prison for Abby’s murder if she’s still alive? At first I thought there might be a possibility of Abby coming back from the dead. But now, I think it’s all just a build up to reveal that she’s really dead and Chad can finally move on.”

We’ve been primed by Days of Our Lives for years to expect people to come back from the dead as easy as getting over a few sniffles. Lose a heart? No problem. Get infected with an incurable disease? We’ll get some ice for that. Have an inoperable brain tumor? Step right into this tube for a few years, we’ll take care of it.

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But Abigail is a character fans have been not just clamoring to have back, but expecting her to come back. And that’s reached a fever pitch lately as theories have been flying around as to how she’s returning and who will be playing her. So what if this time the show pulls the rug out from under us and says: “Just kidding! She’s really, truly dead.”

In the cemetery, Abigail wears a white dress and stands over Chad, who crouches next to her gravestone

After all, Chad’s seen her spirit how many times at this point? We know there are ways around that (Hello, Bo) and it could have just been in his mind, but the craziest possibility might just be that Chad was seeing exactly what he was seeing.

Clyde lies left and right. And just like a cockroach, he knows how to survive. We’ve gotten ourselves all worked up about Abigail’s resurrection, but this time, we get Chad’s skepticism. We’ll believe it when we see it.

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