Days of Our Lives

Days of Our Lives EXPERT Reveals Shocking DEATH of Major Character !

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Johnny and Chanel go out to the beastro for a night on the town. He spent the entire day in production meetings and she was running late from a wardrobe fitting. She had anticipated spending more time together, but Johnny assures her that they will when he starts supervising his seductive wife tomorrow. He surprises her with a star charm on a necklace and tells her that she will become a famous star soon.

After they order some champagne over a delicious supper, they talk about how they are embarking on new careers together. According to Chanel, the meal is fantastic, but it’s also good to be away from the battleground their home has turned into. Chanel believes Gabby and Stefan can move past Stefan’s infidelity with Ava since she feels bad for them. Johnny admits that he doesn’t think it’s feasible and that Gabby had sex with his dad in retaliation.

Chanel queries how he learned, and Johnny says he heard his dad and uncle fighting over it when he happened to walk in. Chanel speculates that Stefan lost it and was incredibly retaliatory toward Gabby. Why did his dad do it? She thinks his hatred of his brother is so strong. Johnny believes that ever since his marriage collapsed, his dad has been a mess. Chanel says it looks like EJ launched a full-scale conflict.

Johnny proposes that they put the show first rather than his problematic family. Is she nervous, he asks. Chanel acknowledges this and says she wants to please him. He’s confident she’ll succeed and be amazing. She worries that she will have to do the tango because his dad taught him and his mother to dance the tango. Johnny claims that a choreographer will be there.

They go down on the floor after he promises to teach her a few fundamentals. When they conclude their tango, everyone cheers, and Johnny refers to her as a quick learner. When they get back to their table, Chanel suggests that they go dancing more frequently. But since they have an early start tomorrow, it’s time for their beautiful evening to come to an end.

After Chanel and Johnny go home, the fire marshal informs them that a bomb went off in the tunnels. Johnny believes his father needs to explain them. EJ stays to sit with Gabby at the hospital. She doesn’t want to be alone right now, even though he believes she needs to relax and that he should leave. She is still in shock that her amazing helper attempted to murder her. If not for EJ, she would have been successful, and she queries how he was aware that they were in the tunnels.

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Luck, according to EJ—the secret door was open and he noticed blood on the fireplace poker. “Thank God you did,” she sobs. They give hugs. EJ and Gabby sit for days. Gabby regrets becoming so sentimental. She’s entitled to be a little rattled up because, as he explains, she nearly died. Gabby says that once she felt like everything was finished, she couldn’t stop thinking about Ari and her face, as well as when she had last seen her. The most terrifying thing of all was her dread that she might never see her kid again.

When EJ asks whether he should call Will and Sonny, she says she prefers to wait until she is more confident. She wishes they didn’t live so far apart because she misses Ari. Hopefully, EJ adds, that will change eventually. She responds that he has already done so much for her, and asks if there is anything more he can do. Her life is owed to him. Gabby is lying in a hospital bed, and she reaches for EJ’s hand while he is sitting by her side.

EJ discloses what he spoke with Stefan about this morning, revealing that Stefan believed they had sex. He left him hanging, but because he has his brother in a tight spot, he can’t press the issue too much. Gabby claims that Stefan brought up retaliation and questioned his actions. EJ informs her that Paulina is about to dismiss Stefan once more, and that he has offered to testify regarding Nicole’s kid in an attempt to get Stefan to back off, because she owes him. Gabby promises to tell him the truth that they didn’t have sex the second time.

While she is in Ava’s room, she informs Stefan that Connie is the target of an APB and dresses his wound. Ava claims he saved her life and that she will always be grateful that he risked his life to protect her. He acknowledges that he had come to apologize to her and believes that it would be the least she could do to help him save her life. He needs to allow her to take him to the hospital so that she can get the cut looked out, but she supposes she can forgive him for being a jerk in order to avoid upsetting her further.

He accepts. Jada orders Connie to put down the knife as she attempts to slip away into the darkness by pointing her gun at her from behind. When Connie does, Jada takes her into custody. When Connie wonders how she located her, Jada replies that they tracked down Gabby’s phone. She informs Melinda and Gabby that they are still alive.

Connie worries. Jada says, “Whose blood is this?” as she puts the bloody knife away. When Stefan and Ava show up, Stefan says it’s his. They tell her what happened in brief and let her know that they are heading to the hospital to get Stefan checked up. Jada says she’s going to require statements from everyone, but she’s taking Connie to the station right now.

As Jada brings Connie to the station, Lee’s cardboard cutout is visible to her. She queries whether Lee is also being arrested and wonders why her love is here. “We can’t arrest a cardboard cutout, lady,” sneers Jada. “He is proof,” Connie sobs, saying that neither Lee nor she have done anything wrong. She isn’t informed by Jada that she killed Lee and Everett and made attempts to kill Stefan, Rafe, Gabby, Melinda, and Ava. Lee is okay and standing right there despite Connie’s insistence that she did none of those things. Lee seems not to want to stand up for her.

Jada informs her, and she is dragged away. “Sit tight, Lee. I’ll take care of everything!” shouts Connie. When Jada brings Connie into the interrogation room, she offers for her to sign a confession. But Connie won’t do so unless her attorney is there. She claims that Jada is attempting to scare her just like on Law and Order. Jada claims that she is attempting to have her sentenced to life in prison for killing Rafe.

Connie admits that if Bobby hadn’t made her pursue Rafe, she never would have. Bobby was one of Jada’s victims and innocent after all, Jada discovers. She finds it unbelievable that she killed Bobby and set him up to knife Rafe. Connie claims it is untrue and that she cannot use it as evidence against her in court. She will pay for all the horrible things she has done, Jada assures her, adding that they have a strong case against her.

When Gabby returns to the hospital, she asks EJ if Connie is doing well. As he leaves, he urges her to rest and offers to find out. Stefan and Ava arrive as EJ is making calls in the hallway. When he notices his brother’s arm is bandaged, he inquires as to his whereabouts. Stefan claims he was attacked by a wack job. EJ inquires as to if it was Connie and informs them that she also attempted to murder Gabby and Melinda. After telling them what transpired, Stefan dashes to Gabby’s room.

“I guess someone is still hung up on his wife,” remarks EJ. EJ tells Ava what Connie has accomplished. Linda is supposed to be here, so Ava wonders if she is.

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