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Days of Our Lives

Days of our Lives Alum Arianne Zucker’s Lawsuit Scores A Big Win

Former Days of Our Lives star Arianne Zucker, who played Nicole Walker from 1998 until leaving the show recently, has leaped over a major hurdle in court. Her sexual harassment lawsuit against the show’s former co-executive producer, Albert Alarr, Corday Productions, and its current executive producer, Ken Corday, has landed a major decision by a judge and proceeds ahead full steam.

Decision Will Affect His Future Employment

The lawsuit was filed on February 7 against Alarr, the show’s production company, Corday Productions, and its current executive producer, Ken Corday. In it, Zucker alleged that Alarr engaged in sexual harassment and included the producers in the suit because they failed to do anything when she told them what was going on. Part of her lawsuit seeks to prevent Alarr from allegedly harassing anyone else in the future.

According to a report by Rolling Stone, the court had decided that “Zucker can move ahead with the disputed portion of her complaint that’s seeking a formal order barring former DOOL executive producer Albert Alarr from harassing behavior in any future workplace.”

His lawyers argued that there was no need for this part of the suit because he wasn’t working, but Judge Kristin S. Escalante issued a written statement, saying, “Plaintiff has alleged a long-standing course of conduct by Mr. Alarr. An inference arises from the facts alleged that the behavior would be likely to recur.”

Fighting For Everyone

If Zucker wins her suit and proves that Alarr not only harassed her and other actresses on the show but also put his hands on them in suggestive manners, he won’t be able to do that in any future jobs that he might hold. Anahita Sedaghatfar, Zucker’s lawyer, explained to Rolling Stone that they were happy the court agreed with their effort to block Alarr from ever harassing anyone else again. “As we stated in our motion,” Sedaghatfar added, “Ms. Zucker wants to ensure that no other woman can be harmed at the hands of Alarr again, and I will fight to make that happen.”

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