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Days of Our Lives

Biggest Bombshells! Dark Secrets and High-Stakes Drama: ‘Days of Our Lives’ Spoilers Exposed!

Kristen called someone and made plans in the DiMera living room. After the call, Kristen went to her dad’s representation. “Job well done,” Kristen stated. Brady’s car is now as flat as a pancake. Kristen let Stefano’s portrait know that she had no real option except to safeguard the father of her kid. “I did how I safeguarded my loved ones, similarly as you would have done,” Kristen said.

EJ strolled in, and he asked Kristen how she had safeguarded the family. Kristen said that she had to fire Ava because she was forced to. “For what reason did you fire her?” EJ inquired. “It was political,” Kristen protested. Kristen clarified Gabi’s demand. EJ stated, “I would have sacked both those vipers if it were up to me.” Kristen rebutted, “Well, it isn’t.” EJ laughed. “Not right now,” EJ said.

Kristen contended that she was determined to do anything it took to safeguard the family heritage. “That was an incredibly unconvincing story,” EJ said. Kristen encouraged EJ to confirm the story with Gabi. Kristen was advised by EJ not to reveal her secrets to Stefano’s portrait. EJ added, “Besides, I’m sure he knows everything already.”

EJ asked Kristen who the CEO of DiMera Enterprises was. Furrowing his brow and then smiling, EJ said, “Brady Black.” Jada strolled into the room, and she requested to address EJ about Sarah’s case. With a gesture, Kristen left the front room; however, she concealed herself outside the entryway in the hall so she could snoop.

Jada told EJ about the evidence gathered to date. “The vehicle has evaporated immediately and inexplicably,” Jada added. Jada explained that the suspect had claimed the vehicle had been stolen but had not filed a report with the police. He claimed that the theft happened before the accident, but I have an eyewitness who says she saw the vehicle parked in the parking structure the night of the accident in the wrong spot,” Jada said.

EJ summed it up by saying, “So what I’m hearing is a lot of circumstantial evidence, albeit very compelling circumstantial evidence, with no definitive proof.” Jada nodded. Jada added that without the vehicle, they probably wouldn’t have the evidence they needed to move forward with the case. “Are you ready to prosecute based on what we have?” Jada inquired.

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EJ asked some more questions about the suspect. “Does it matter?” Jada asked. EJ acknowledged it might. Jada said the suspect was Brady. “Definitely arrest him,” EJ said. Kristen let out a frustrated sigh in the foyer. “I’m detecting that you have an ill will with Brady of some sort,” Jada stated. EJ argued that his judgment of the case had not been affected by his ongoing disagreement with Brady. According to EJ, the preponderance of evidence suggests they may be able to win a conviction based on what Jada told him.

EJ advised Jada to arrest Brady, and she concurred. As Jada left the house, Kristen pretended to be checking her phone. Kristen inquired if Jada had any information regarding Sarah’s case. “I think you already know the answer to that,” Jada said. Jada claimed that she was aware Kristen had been listening in despite Kristen’s dumb play. “You can’t fault me for being interested,” Kristen said.

Jada began to inquire whether Kristen had any information, but Kristen suddenly said, “No.” Kristen went back to EJ in the living room after Jada left and asked about EJ’s conversation with Jada. EJ said, “Something tells me you knew exactly what was going on.”

At the nurse’s station, Tate murmured to Brady that the hit-and-run driver was a mental case. “I’m just glad they have a suspect,” Tate said. Tate noticed that Brady was distracted and called Brady out on it. Tate was reassured by Brady that he was paying attention. “What I hear, son, is you trying to steer the conversation in a different direction,” Brady said. Once more, Tate apologized and pointed out that he and Holly had spent the midyear together without anything awful happening. Tate argued for Brady not to keep him separated from Holly.

Brady’s phone blared with a message from Kristen: “Police are going to arrest you. Run,” the text read. Tate inquired about Brady’s well-being after becoming concerned by his odd behavior. “I’m fine. Can Holly bring you back home?” Brady inquired. Tate agreed. Brady encouraged Tate to ice his ankle, and he left. Tate thanked Holly for giving him time to spend alone with his father when she came back to him in the hallway. “I thought I was communicating with him, but then he started acting very strange. It was as though his mind was somewhere else,” Tate stated. “I honestly have no idea if I’m in trouble or not,” Holly seemed helpless.

Tate inquired about the issue. “It’s our fault, Tate. What happened is our fault,” Holly said. “What are you referring to?” Tate inquired.

When Marlena got back to the penthouse, she thought about what she had said to Jada about Brady’s stolen vehicle. As Marlena settled on the love seat, John got back. “I received your message saying you needed to converse with me. Is everything fine?” John inquired. “No, not really,” Marlena conceded.

Marlena informed John about Brady’s vehicle and her conversation with Jada about the timeline. “But how could the acting police commissioner be involved in a routine vehicle theft investigation?” John inquired. John wondered if Jada’s questioning was connected to Sarah’s hit-and-run. Marlena asked if he believed Brady might have been involved in the accident. “I hope I’m wrong, but something’s not adding up here. Why didn’t Brady talk about the theft of his car?” John inquired.

Marlena noted that Brady had disclosed the theft to Kristen. John shook his head. “Unless he wanted to get rid of evidence by ditching the vehicle… Yeah, Kristen could do that,” John said. “Let’s not lose sight of what’s important here, all right?” Marlena said.

Marlena noticed that Brady had been stunned when she informed him about Sarah’s accident. Marlena argued that Brady would never have left Sarah to die if he had hit her with his vehicle—unless he had been drinking, John said. Marlena murmured.

Marlena stated, “I will admit that I had a few concerns while you were in Greece.” John requested details. Marlena explained that Paul had spoken to Brady and that Brady had been struggling with his balance. “What does your gut tell you?” John inquired. Marlena said she was hesitant to jump to conclusions, especially after what had happened with Eric’s car accident. “That should have taught me something. I should have sat Brady down and had a serious talk with him before it was too late,” Marlena said.

John demanded that Marlena look at him. John stated, “You are in no way responsible for what happened.” John made the observation that Brady would have to accept responsibility if he was to blame. Marlena concurred. “He hasn’t done that yet,” Marlena said. “And that’s why I have to confront him,” John said.

At the police station, Jada made arrangements to arrest the suspect in the hit-and-run. “There’s no need for that, detective,” Brady declared as he entered the bullpen. “I’m here. What was really going on?” Xander inquired.

Sarah told Xander what had happened, and he concurred that it was not Holly’s fault. “You might as well blame the start of World War I on the flap of a butterfly’s wings, right?” Xander stated. Xander conceded that he was furious, but the only person he blamed was the driver. Sarah agreed. Xander let Sarah know that Jada had identified a suspect.

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