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Days of Our Lives

OMG! Gwen is behind the fake Abigail plan Days of our lives spoilers

TV soap news and spoilers! Today, we’re diving into the latest twist in Salem’s ongoing mystery: Who exactly is the woman impersonating Abigail? The storyline has fans buzzing with theories, and today we’re here to break down all the clues and speculations surrounding this intriguing plot.

As viewers know, Jack and Chad were shocked to stumble upon a woman they believed could be Abigail. Wasting no time, they demanded a DNA test to confirm her identity. Kayla handed Chad the envelope containing the results, and it seemed to confirm what they all hoped for—a match between the mysterious woman’s DNA and Jack. But here’s where things get suspicious: The test showed only a 50% match, which indicates that this woman is indeed related to Jack but doesn’t definitively prove that she’s Abigail.

This detail has set off alarm bells for those of us who’ve seen enough drama in Salem to know that not everything is as it seems. A 50% match only suggests a familial connection, leaving plenty of room for doubt. Could this woman be a relative but not the Abigail everyone is desperate to believe she is? The possibility looms large, and the more we dig, the clearer it becomes that something is amiss.

Further fueling the mystery, we witnessed a moment where the imposter, when she thought no one was watching, whispered to someone on the phone that everything was going according to plan. If that’s not a red flag, we don’t know what is. This mysterious “Abigail” is clearly in on a scheme much larger than anyone realizes, and despite her best efforts to play the part, the awkwardness of her interactions—especially when she reluctantly agreed to meet Jennifer—gives away her discomfort.

Jack’s enthusiastic hug was met with a cold, hesitant response—something entirely out of character for the real Abigail, who would have melted into her father’s arms after being away for so long. Jack, ever the protective father, has already warned Jennifer that this reunion might not be the heartwarming moment she envisions. Could it be that Jennifer, with her motherly intuition, will immediately sense that something is off when she finally comes face to face with this so-called Abigail?

We can picture the tension mounting as Jennifer’s joy turns to suspicion. The real Abigail and Jennifer share an unbreakable bond—one that no imposter could ever replicate. A single glance or the absence of a familiar gesture could be enough for Jennifer to realize the horrifying truth: This woman is not her daughter.

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Now, here’s where the speculation takes an even darker turn. What if this whole charade is tied to Gwen? Fans have long suspected Gwen’s involvement, but the plot could thicken if it’s revealed that Gwen has a secret twin brother. Imagine this: While Gwen was supposedly abroad, she discovered her long-lost twin brother—someone as devious and cunning as she is. Together, they could be masterminding this entire ruse, with Clyde Weston perhaps pulling some strings in the background.

Gwen’s hatred for Abigail and her desire to destroy her family’s happiness have driven her to extreme lengths before, but orchestrating something on this scale would be her most elaborate scheme yet. If Gwen and Clyde are indeed partners in crime, then Salem is in for an even bigger shock. The lengths they could go to—planting a false Abigail, manipulating DNA tests, and keeping everyone in the dark—show just how dangerous they can be when working together.

This storyline has the potential to unravel in unexpected ways, with secrets, betrayals, and shocking revelations around every corner. So how will this play out? Will Jennifer be the first to uncover the truth, or will it take a catastrophic event to reveal the real identity of this imposter? And just what are Gwen and her twin brother’s ultimate goals? Could they be after revenge, money, or something far more sinister?

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