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Days of Our Lives

DAYS OF OUR LIVESDays of Our Lives Spoilers: Theresa Panics as Fiona’s Visit Threatens to Expose Victor’s True Heir

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Chanel’s Medical Emergency: A Mother’s Blame

The heat is rising in Salem, and not just from the summer sun! Chanel DiMera is facing a medical emergency that could shatter her dreams of motherhood. Crippled by intense cramps, she’s rushed to the hospital by a frantic Paulina and Johnny. As fear grips Chanel, she lashes out at her mother, blaming her for the radiation exposure that could endanger her unborn child. Will Chanel’s nightmare end in heartbreak?

Xander’s Unresolved Pain: Victor’s Hidden Love

Meanwhile, Xander Cook, still reeling from Victor Kiriakis’ death, confides in Sarah Horton about his strained relationship with his father. Xander yearns for the acceptance and love Victor never gave him, unaware that his father had a change of heart before his passing. Unbeknownst to Xander, Victor left him half his fortune, a final act of love and reconciliation. But Theresa Donovan’s web of deceit has kept this truth hidden, leaving Xander to grapple with unresolved feelings of rejection and loss.

Alex and Theresa’s Engagement: Mixed Reactions

In the midst of this emotional turmoil, Alex Kiriakis and Theresa Donovan share their engagement news, causing a ripple of shockwaves through Salem. Brady Black is far from thrilled, and Bonnie Kiriakis reminds Alex of Justin’s deep-seated distrust of Theresa. Eavesdropping on their conversation, Theresa feels a pang of insecurity, but Alex assures her that he trusts his own judgment.

Theresa’s Panic: Fiona Cook’s Potential Revelation

However, Theresa’s world is turned upside down when Bonnie mentions Sarah’s plan to invite Xander’s mother, Fiona Cook, to her wedding. Fear consumes Theresa, as she knows Fiona could expose her lies and reveal Xander as Victor’s rightful heir. Panic-stricken, Theresa struggles to maintain her composure, but Alex senses her distress and grows suspicious.

Burning Questions in Salem

Amidst the chaos and heartbreak, the question lingers: Will Chanel’s baby survive this ordeal? Will Xander ever discover the truth about his father’s love and legacy? And will Theresa’s wedding be a celebration of love or a catastrophic unraveling of her deceit?

The drama is far from over in Salem. Stay tuned to Days of Our Lives for the answers to these burning questions and more!

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