Days of Our Lives

John Has Some Bad News for Marlena, While Jada Hauls Xander In for Killing Konstantin

In today’s Days of Our Lives, Stephanie intercepts Marlena at the hospital to ask about Everett. Marlena was just with him, but Bobby’s been in control and he’s not letting Everett out. Stephanie asks if Everett has to reemerge at some point, but Marlena can’t answer that.

Marlena tells her not to give up hope — they’ve just begun working with Everett. Stephanie, though, feels guilty for being angry with him and his double life. It wasn’t his fault and her and Jada’s intervention may have made things worse if Bobby never lets go of control.

Days' Marlena looks down as Stephanie talks to her in the hospital

Jada and Kayla are eating in the pub as Jada talks about how weird it was to see Everett transform into Bobby before her eyes. “I have never seen that in real life. Even on TV.” Kayla gets it, but DID is very real. Both Abigail and Kimberly suffered from it.

Jada wants to understand what Bobby is going through. Their marriage ended badly, but they shared a lot once. He meant a lot to her. Just then, Jada gets a call about a shooting at the Kiriakis estate and Kayla starts to panic.


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Days' Jada smiles as she stirs her drink at the Brady Pub, talking to Kayla whose back is to us

Over at the mansion, Sarah calls John again for more help and he raises Steve’s gun behind their backs to point at them. Steve’s phone rings and John seems to snap out of it, rushing over to help hold the wound while Sarah answers the phone to fill Kayla in on what happened. Kayla runs off to the hospital to meet her husband, as the ambulance arrives.

Drake Hogestyn, Stephen Nichols, Linsey Godfrey "Days of our Lives" Set NBC Studios Burbank 12/04/23 © XJJohnson/ 310-657-9661 Episode # 14876 U.S.Airdate 6/11/24

At the hospital, Marlena reminds Stephanie of how bleak things got for Abigail when she went through this, but in the end, the personalities integrated. They get cut off as John pops out of the elevator to fill them in on how bad things got at the mansion. Steve’s fine, but he’s in room four.

Abigail rushes off to see him, but not before Kayla comes into his room. Steve assures them both he’s fine. He was just too slow when Konstantin started firing. Steve then fills them in on Konstantin’s lies, murders and attempted murders, from Maggie to Victor… and admits Kon took Theresa hostage. “Unfortunately, our plan just went off the rails.”

Days' Stephanie and Kayla look ticked as they glance at Steve in his hospital bed

Abigail leaves them alone for Kayla to yell at Steve — which she wastes no time in doing. Kayla takes him to task for not knowing Konstantin wouldn’t fight back. “I just wish you’d have given me the heads up to let me know you were walking into a high risk situation.” Steve cracks a joke about sending her the Bat signal, but he felt it was better to keep her out of it.

Kayla tells him to stop making decisions for her. “We’re supposed to be partners, but you don’t treat me like a partner!”

In front of the crypt, Alex yells at Xander. “What the hell were you thinking? You could have shot Theresa!” Xander shrugs that he’s always been an excellent marksman. “Am I to take this to mean I should have let Konstantin choke Theresa in front of us??” He says Konstantin was a homicidal maniac who’s now out of their lives for good!

Days' Konstantin's tarp covered body is on the ground as Xander, Brady, Alex and Theresa stand around it

Theresa wants to be sure he’s dead and Brady assures her he is. Alex, Xander and Brady then ponder his last words about an “enemy in your midst.” It’s the person who kidnapped Victoria, clearly. “The punk in the hoodie,” as Xander puts it while Theresa looks uncomfortable.

Sarah calls Xander to see if everything’s OK, but he misses it as he’s busy covering up Konsantin’s body. He’s about to get back to her when Jada shows up wondering what the hell happened — especially if that shape under the tarp is what she thinks it is! Brady rats Xander out and Jada wants the “murder weapon.”

“Tell me everything from the beginning.” After some hemming and hawing, Brady tells her the sordid tale of Konstantin. Xander fast forwards to shooting Konstantin to protect Theresa. But Brady and Alex both throw him back under the bus saying he had little to no regard for Theresa’s life.

Days’ Jada points at Konstantin’s tarp covered body on the ground as Xander, Brady, Alex and Theresa stand around it

Days' Jada points at Konstantin's tarp covered body on the ground as Xander, Brady, Alex and Theresa stand around it

“You ungrateful twits! I just saved Theresa’s life and instead of saying thank you, you try to get me arrested?!” After getting everything she needs, Jada says everyone can go except for Xander. He killed a man. Justified or not, she needs an official statement. “Thanks for backing me up,” he gripes to his family as Jada hauls him off.

John gets a text from Brady and tells Marlena that Konstantin is dead, shot by Xander. “I can’t say I’m upset about that,” Marlena says. (Same.) But when she says his reign of terror is just about over, John’s response is “Not quite yet, Doc.” He breaks out the card and tells her what happened. He almost shot Steve.

Marlena assures her husband he’d never hurt Steve, but they’ve got to work to get him out from under Konstantin’s spell. “What if it’s not enough? What if I’m still just a ticking time bomb?” Marlena’s sure they can free him from the residual effects of the brainwashing. John can’t be as positive as her, especially knowing he killed Konstantin’s daughter. The only thing he can do now is leave Salem.

Back in the Kiriakis living room, Brady puts ice on Theresa’s neck. She’s surprised at how nice he’s being after that morning. She apologizes for hurting him, but Brady says she’s the mother of his son and he’ll always care about her. Alex wanders in and tells them he can take over. “In other words, beat it,” he tells Brady.

But Brady won’t leave until Theresa says she wants him to go. She thinks it would be best and he leaves. “I didn’t mean to be a jerk about it,” Alex says when Brady’s gone. Theresa wants to thank him for rescuing her. He, meanwhile, would never admit it to Xander, but Xander did the right thing and Alex wishes he’d been the one to do it.

Konstantin was just trying to hurt him by saying Victor had never been a father to him, but Alex is going to do the very best to make his dad proud.

Days' Sarah and Xander hold hands sitting across the table in the police interrogation room, Xander looking uncertain

Down at the police station, Jada and Xander wrap up in the interrogation room just in time for Sarah to burst in. She worries the police will press charges and he’s not sure if they’ll buy whether he was protecting Theresa or shooting Kon out of revenge. “Well… which was it?” Sarah asks. Xander says he just reacted when Konstantin started strangling Theresa. He’s not sure what was going through his head, but he’s not sorry he shot the bastard. His only regret was not learning who kidnapped Victoria first.

In the show’s last few minutes, Theresa and Alex head upstairs to take a nap — and he asks her to stay in his room now.

Jada and Stephanie catch up at the hospital. Everett/Bobby is being moved to Bayview because they haven’t been able to make any progress. She then tells Jada that Steve’s fine. Back in their room, Steve apologizes and says he needs to do better, but says they’ve been here before. Sometimes their jobs require things to stay quiet. But it’s not the same, Kayla insists! They ease up a bit as she examines his wound, glad that he’s still alive.

Days’ John looks upset as he hugs Marlena against him, holding her head protectively

Days' John looks upset as he hugs Marlena against him, holding her head protectively
Marlena, meanwhile, tells John that he can’t just run away. He’s not. He needs to pay his respects at Catharina’s gravesite. And he needs to do it alone — after one more round of deprogramming. “You’re my everything,” he tells Marlena, hugging her and looking down at the card as eerie music plays.

Xander and Sarah are back in the mansion, relieved that Trask didn’t want to press charges. Sarah goes up to check on Victoria and her mom, leaving Xander to talk to Victor’s photo. “You hear that, Uncle Vic? Legally, I’m in the clear. But you and I both know why I shot Konstantin. I did it for you, old man. I hope now you can rest in peace.”

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