Days of Our Lives

Big Sad News 😭 Today’s !! Days of Our Lives Spoilers: Maggie Horton Very Sad News 😭

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Monday, May 27, promises to be a day of monumental revelations and intense drama on Days of Our Lives. The residents of Salem are in for shocking news, emotional confrontations, and suspenseful developments that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats. Here’s a detailed look at what to expect in this thrilling episode.

Nicole’s Life-Changing Discovery

The episode kicks off with groundbreaking news for Nicole Walker. Nicole learns that Jude, the baby she gave birth to on the roadside in November, is indeed her son. This revelation comes after EJ DiMera forces Sloan Petersen to confess the truth. EJ threatens Sloan with prison if she doesn’t come clean about Jude’s true parentage. Faced with this ultimatum, Sloan decides that prison is a fate worse than losing Eric Brady, so she agrees to tell the truth.

First, Sloan confesses to Eric, revealing that she lied about Jude’s identity because she feared Eric would leave her after their baby died. She hoped that by keeping Jude as their child, they could still find happiness together. This confession leaves Eric shocked and heartbroken. Sloan further admits that the parents of the baby they planned to adopt backed out because of her deception. It turns out that Dimitri had given Sloan Nicole’s baby to take to the hospital, but she kept him instead, seeing it as their last chance at happiness.

Eric’s anger is palpable as he lashes out at Sloan for the pain she has caused Nicole and EJ. Sloan tries to justify her actions by claiming she did it out of love for Eric and Jude, but Eric harshly tells her she is incapable of love. This confrontation sets the stage for an emotional rollercoaster as Eric and Nicole grapple with the truth.

Salem’s Manhunt for Clyde

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Meanwhile, the hunt for Clyde Weston intensifies. Ava Vitali and Harris Michaels decide to pursue Clyde on their own, despite their previous failed attempts. At the same time, Rafe Hernandez hands over Clyde’s black book to John Black and Steve Johnson, hoping that their expertise as “Black Patch” investigators can succeed where the police have failed. The stakes are high as everyone in Salem joins forces to bring Clyde to justice.

Maggie’s Engagement Concerns

In another corner of Salem, Maggie Horton is dealing with her own set of emotional challenges. She pretends to be excited about her engagement to Constantine, but her joy is overshadowed by the news that her daughter, Sarah Horton, is planning to marry Xander Cook again. While Maggie is genuinely happy for Sarah, she worries that her own marriage plans might seem insincere in comparison. This internal conflict adds a layer of complexity to Maggie’s storyline as she navigates her feelings about love and commitment.

Everett’s Disorder and Stephanie’s Dilemma

At The Spectator, Stephanie Johnson is anxiously waiting for Everett to arrive. She calls him repeatedly, leaving messages and wondering about his whereabouts. Her anxiety turns to shock when she learns at the police station from Marina that Everett has Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), with another personality named Bobby. This disorder, typically stemming from childhood trauma, explains much of Everett’s erratic behavior.

Jada Hunter believes this revelation explains a lot and promptly calls Stephanie to the station. Together, they hope to convince Everett to seek treatment, but first, they need to find him. This subplot adds a psychological twist to the episode, highlighting the impact of mental health issues on relationships and personal safety.

Chanel and Johnny’s Baby News

In the town square, Chanel Dupree and Johnny DiMera share a sweet moment eating brownies together. Chanel, now free from the nausea that plagued her, is excited about her pregnancy. She is relieved not to worry about radiation exposure anymore and eager to share their news with everyone. However, Johnny is more cautious, suggesting they wait until they get an all-clear from the doctor.

Johnny also mentions that EJ and Nicole recently lost their baby, and Chanel believes that knowing they will be grandparents might help them heal. Chanel’s optimism contrasts with Johnny’s hesitation, but she’s confident they should start planning for the future soon.

EJ’s Tensions and Family Dynamics

Back at the mansion, Nicole receives a heartfelt apology text from Holly, to which she replies warmly. EJ enters with tea and a snack, but a work-related call from Rita disrupts the calm. EJ angrily tells Rita not to call again without a good reason, surprising Nicole with his harsh tone. EJ explains his frustration stems from being fired by Paulina, and Nicole tries to soothe him by rubbing his neck.

As Nicole senses something is off, EJ admits he is expecting a delivery. The tension is palpable as Sloan arrives to confess the truth about Jude. She tells Eric that Jude is really Nicole and EJ’s son, shocking both Nicole and EJ.

Amid the chaos, Johnny and Chanel come home with their baby news. Nicole hugs them excitedly, realizing EJ already knows. Johnny reassures Nicole that they wanted her to be the first to know. However, EJ takes Johnny aside and expresses his disapproval, thinking having the baby is a mistake. Johnny stands firm, insisting that making Chanel happy cannot be wrong.


Monday’s episode of Days of Our Lives is packed with emotional revelations and dramatic twists that promise to keep viewers captivated. From Nicole’s life-changing discovery and the town’s manhunt for Clyde to Maggie’s engagement concerns and Everett’s mental health crisis, the characters of Salem are navigating a complex web of relationships and secrets. As always, love, deception, and resilience are at the heart of this beloved soap opera, drawing fans deeper into the intricate lives of their favorite characters.



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